Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Pieces of Where I Live

Here are some little tidbits of our new home...

This is the side of our house, you can see the boys play room. Ignore the messy yard and the ugly baby gate, the baby gate is there is attempt to keep monkey #2 out from under the house!

Our stump!
Never-ending supply of rosemary!!
Our heavenly bamboo Aiden likes to try to eat the berries off of.
Our seasonal creek! It runs long the left side of our house and actually runs along the other side of us, as well.
The wood pile!
I'm a sucker for moss and our house has a lot of it!
The more out-going of our two kitties, Iris.
Blossoms on one of the flowering plum trees in front of our house, so gorgeous!


  1. I'm so jealous of all that greenery... here it's still snowy and cold.

  2. It was gorgeous today! Mid 70's! It was so warm it felt hot! But it was perfect weather to get the rest of my dirt moved. Raised bed #1 is ready for planting (well, technically it already has carrots and arugula planted in the wall which has started to sprout). Yay!
